I've been following the various strands of the growing Green world for years now and concluded a useful hub for all the elements is long overdue. This is a study in enhanced utility and it will have very intensive link resources from the vast growing sprawl of a transformative period in our lives.
The core role model will be James Howard Kunstler.
His essay, The Long Emergency, is to me, astonishingly prescient and should be viewed as an essential blueprint for the most challenging transition of our lifetime.
I fully agree with him that the fossil fuel sprawl mess is at the core of our problem and much of the solution rides on our adaptability and readiness to move beyond the structural underpinning of the fossil fuel assumptions.
It's about accepting a less bloated life and seeking ways to have fun without depending on the toxic toys foisted on us over the years as the bloat world we now embrace will soon pass forever.
We can either be nimble about the transition or kick and scream and suffer. My intent here is to make all interested parties as well equipped as possible to make the transition.