Monday, October 6, 2008

Consider New Dreams.

Juliet Schor is to American working stiff and consumer awareness problems what Susan Faludi is to a very enlightened feminism and we as a nation are better for the presence of both.

Back when I still listened to NPR, she was always one of my favorite commentators with her tireless exploration of the horrific deal working stiff families have been handed since Reagan waltzed into office to begin a protracted period of ruination and looting for average working Americans that is now wildly imploding.

New American Dream is her brain child, a valuable site for those who are seeking ways to protect themselves from out of control marketing that wants to turn your hapless toddlers into constantly whining nightmares over consumer trifles.

Making a good bullshit detector in modern predatory America is fairly difficult so it is good to know that Professor Schor is on it.